Monday, April 18, 2011

8Tracks - Being Human - Last.FM

8Tracks. My new favorite website <3 basically you make music mixes by uploading your own music onto this website, it lets other people play your playlists that you made online. ITS THE GREATEST THING. Even better, If you have Last.FM, it syncs to that while you're listening on 8tracks to your mixes, or SOMEONE ELSES. Which just rocks my world. - one of my really popular mixes 0____0 - My Last.FM

and lastly, if you havent seen this show already, BEING HUMAN IS THE GREATEST SHOW IN THE HISTORY OF FOREVER FOR SCIENCEY VAMPIRE / WEREWOLF / GHOST PEOPLE. I know, it sounds like twilight with a ghost. But it's so not. Once you get over your twilightphobia, it's the most beautifully articualted show. <3 besides some parts which are reaaaallly... akward.... it has a great storyline in the first 8 episodes. :) - Being Human. P.S. Josh is mine.

Rock out, and just be human,

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